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Computer labs are fully equipped with systems and latest software with an environment to implement and experiment knowledge acquired in the classroom. All the systems have internet facilities.


Smart Classrooms are technology enhanced classrooms that foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology and allowing the Professor to teach using a wide variety of media.


The college has a well-structured auditorium that is built with the latest provisions. It is well ventilated and has a large seating capacity. The auditorium is built keeping in view the modern requirements


The classrooms are spacious enough, well lit, well ventilated and accommodated with the nice sitting arrangements to facilitate proper teacher-student interaction.


The Library is kept open throughout the year except on general holiday and Sunday.

The timing is: 10am to 6pm. 

Types of resources 

  • Books

  • Dissertations and PhD theses

  • Current Periodicals

  • E-Journals

  • E-Books

  • E-Theses

  • E-Data Bases

  • Databases


The classrooms are spacious enough, well lit, well ventilated and accommodated with the nice sitting arrangements to facilitate proper teacher-student interaction.


The purified Drinking mineral water unit is installed in front of the Library building. The capacity of the unit being 500 liter is adequate to provide drinking water to the students and staff visiting the Library.

Additional facilities

National Service Scheme

“A Country could not progress in a desired direction until the student youth were motivated to work for the upliftment of the villages/communities”. National Service Scheme is an ideal value based programme for student youth. This programme was envisaged to accomplish our father of nation Mahatma Gandhiji’s long cherished desire of involving the youth in National building process. A main objective of this scheme is personality development of the students through community service. Through NSS, the sensitization about social responsibility and national integration among the students community have been achieved to a large extent. The Mahagaonkar Institute Of Social Sciences had a modest beginning of NSS in 2018 with a 144 volunteers strength till the year 2021-22. Objectives of NSS The focal objectives of the scheme are 'Development of the personality of students through community service'. This objective is sought to be achieved by enabling the students to: • Understand the community in which they work. • Understand themselves in relation to their community. • Identify the needs and problems in the community in the solution of which they can be involved. • Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility. • Apply their education in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems. • Develop competence required for group living and sharing responsibilities. • Gain skills in mobilizing community participation. • Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude. • Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and • Practice National Integration.

SC/ST Cell

In line with the affirmative policy of Government of India, MISS College for Women has resolved that the affirmative policies, programmes, schemes, facilities would be provided to the persons belonging to socially, Educationally and economically weaker sections of the society. ​The college is committed to provide an environment that promotes diversity and respects everyone regardless of Caste, color, religious belief or cultures. While maintaining diversity of all kinds, it also commits to ensuring protection of everyone including SC/STs and acting as per the provisions of constitution of India in such matters. In order to create a living and working environment where all students feel safe and respected and with a view to ensure implementation of the affirmative policy of the Government of India/UGC and related orders issued by such authorities from time to time for the benefit of SC/STs, Mahagonkar Institute of Social Sciences (MISS) established the SC/ST Cell according to Governing Body resolution. ​The SC/ST Cell provides comprehensive preventive and proactive services to all such students enrolled for various academic programmes in the college. The goal of the cell is to enhance the psychological well being of SC/ST/ students at MISS College so they can take full advantage of the educational opportunities at the college. The college has also appointed Nodal Officers to oversee the effective implementation of reservation policies/rules related to SC/ST as per Government of India/UGC notifications. The overall functions of SC/ST Cell at MISS College are the following: • Informal Advisory Committee on SCs/STs • Ensuring Reservation policies in regard to SCs/STs • Complaint Register for SCs/STs • Maintenance of Reservation Rosters/Registers • To ensure compliance of the orders of reservation issued and other benefits • Admissible from time to time in favor of SC/ST • To ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure. • To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any events at the campus. • To communicate with the UGC. With respect to supply of required information, answering queries and clearing doubts with respect to reservations data/information etc. • To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the career growth of SCs/STs students. • To circulate State Government and UGC’s decisions about different scholarship programs. • To communicate with Office of the Commissioner for SC/STs in response to representations/ complaints.

Red Cross unit 

VISION: To prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies, to protect life and health, and to ensure respect for the human being, by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. MISSION: The Mission of the Red Cross is to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times all forms of humanitarian activities so that human suffering can be minimized and even prevented and thus contribute to creating more congenial climate for peace. Youth Red Cross: A substantial portion of the membership of Indian Red Cross Society is made up of young people. Young volunteers can make a significant contribution to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through Red Cross.

Student Counceling Cell

Aim of the Committee To enable the students to live a more productive and satisfying life by enhancing coping skills, promote decision making skills and developing a more effective interpersonal relationships with the society. Objectives of the Committee: To help students accept themselves as they are by knowing their abilities, aptitudes and limitations. To assist students in planning their educational and vocational choice and help the student become a fully functioning individual. Members of the Committee Counseling Programs for Students • Crisis counseling ( COVID 19) – is defined as a situation or event where the students feel overwhelmed or unable to cope, typical crisis includes death of loved ones, loss of job, rough ending in a relationship, depression and anxiety. • Career guidance counseling- personal exploration skills, interests and values, primary focus on well being. • Group counseling • Educational counseling- about various online courses and additional degrees • Mental health counseling • How to cope up with anxiety and stress Resolving psychosocial problems – stress, loneliness, bullying, ragging, peer adjustments, parental and teacher social communication problems. • Providing student counseling related to- o Attendance and excessive absences o Academic concerns o Career and college readiness • Conflict resolution- interpersonal conflicts • Academics and learning – how to improve academic proficiency, attention, strengthening basic reading and writing skills and time management. • Encouraging student interactions and strengthen social connections • Building students self esteem and self confidence. • Building interpersonal skills. • Helping students to regularize their food habits and sleep patterns. • Helping students to handle their mood swing during their menstrual cycle.

Anti Sexual Harassment Cell

(INTERNAL COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE - JAGRUTHI ) In pursuance of guidelines issued by Supreme Court, UGC and in pursuance of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell (Internal Complaints Committee) named “Jagrauthi” is constituted to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to all the staff members and students and to consider complaints regarding sexual harassment. OBJECTIVES: • To prevent sexual harassment by promoting an awareness about the issue of gender equality among staff, students and other employees. • To deal with cases of sexual harassment in a timely manner by providing empathetic support to the victim and ensuring prevention of harassment through proper redressal of the case. • To recommend appropriate punitive action against the guilty to the relevant regulatory agencies such as Management, government bodies, etc • To ensure safe environment for students in the college ACTIVITIES OF THE ANTI SEXUAL HARASSMENT CELL • The meetings are conducted regularly to review the activities organized and to plan for future activities. Minutes of the meetings are recorded • Programs such as guest lectures by eminent resource persons, panel discussions, workshops, video screening, etc to create awareness about issues relevant to sexual harassment, gender equality, violence on women, menstrual hygine, etc • Events like painting competition collage competition, etc are planned and executed with themes related to sexual violence against women and their prevention • Orientation programs, internships, etc for volunteers among students and staff who want to involve themselves in social work in the area of anti sexual harassment • Creating awareness among the stakeholders of the institution about the existence and operations of the committee by using wall posters on the campus premises, inclusion of information in college magazine, brochure, annual reports, etc

Anti Ragging Cell

As per the Karnataka Educational Act 1983 and the directive of Honorable Supreme court of India MISS College for ensures Strict compliances on the prevention of Ragging in any form on its campus. Ragging is a criminal offence which can destroy a student physically and emotionally. Ragging means teasing, embarrassing and humiliating; Assaulting or using criminal force or intimidation; wrongfully restraining or confining or causing hurt; causing grievous hurt, Kidnapping or committing unusual offence; causing death or abetting suicide. Ragging in all its form is totally banned in the college. the college shall take strict action incAmalaluding cancellation of admission against those found guilty of ragging and/or of abetting ragging and the burden of proof shall be on the perpetrator of alleged ragging and not on the victim. An offence of Ragging may be lodged either on a written complaint by the affected or on independent finding of the Anti Ragging Cell. The college is bound by the UGC Regulations on ' Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions 2009'. The college has founded an Anti Ragging Cell which governs the prevention of any means of Ragging.

Admissions Office

#2-481 , Madagi Complex 

Jagat Circle , Kalaburgi 


Contact Details:

Email :

Phone 1 : 8095555483 

Phone 2 : 8095555484

Phone 3 : 8095555487

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